Well, I've decided to start a third blog (I also have my photography business's blog and a travel blog) so I can document my learning process as I attempt to cook. I never had ANY interest in all the girly things like cooking and cleaning and whatnot when I was younger. My parents tried to get me to help them cook so I could learn. But to this day I can't even make a grilled cheese without having it be a complete disaster! But recently I left my ex-fiance and am out on my own...trying to figure out how to not be a complete failure at being a woman. I did learn how to clean a LONG time ago because my parents just wouldn't stand for the house being a disaster (which I don't blame them), but they gave up on me cooking cause I put up such a fight. Matter of fact, when I was a kid I swore up and down that I was going to grow up and marry a chef so I didn't have to do any cooking. Well, my ex wasn't a chef and I'm not married. So I guess the cooking's up to me! An old dog can learn new tricks, so I'll be posting my attempts at cooking (don't laugh cause it might get a little hairy at times). And what I'd do differently the next time I make that recipe.
Hopefully you find this somewhat amusing as well as informative.
~The Terrible House Wife
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